HSS Ultralite Harness

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Size: SM/Medium
Sale price$35.00 Regular price$109.99


The HSS-Ultra-Lite is one of the lightest, most flexible harnesses to hit the market. It features a mesh upper body, providing a comfortable, snug fit and without sacrificing movement. The 1.25" upper-body webbing, tether and waist buckle continues to provide the strength you expect from HSS without the added weight and bulk.
Realtree X-Tra Camouflage. ElimiShield Hunt Scent Control Technology. Heat fused into the fabric and good for life of the harness. Heat fused into the fabric and good for the life of the harness. Trim design gives a snug fit without compromising movement. Patented HSS design eliminates dangerous dangling straps and weave-through buckles.

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